Annual Education Report

Annual Education Report

May 11, 2014

Class Room Courses

The Delta Chapter course held in September 2013 in Brantford; 67 students registered with a class average of 77%.
The ETA Chapter course held in October 2013 in Toronto; 73 students registered with a class average of 78%.
The SIGMA Chapter course held in November 2013 in Windsor; 44 students registered with a class average of 82%.
The GAMMA Chapter course was held in February 2014 in Ottawa; 63 students registered with a class average of 87%.
The ETA Chapter spring course held in March 2014 in Toronto; 55 students registered with a class average of 83%.
The Delta Chapter spring course held in Hamilton in April 2014; 79 students registered with a class average of 79%.
The THETA/LAMBDA OTN course held in May 2014; 108 students registered.

Manitoba Class Room course was held in March 2014 with 32 students registered.

Recertification Course – 88 students registered.
Distance Course – 17 students registered.

CSAO Student Total for 2013/14 – 626

Denise Bosnjak, Darlene Keast - CSAO Education Directors