THETA Chapter Report

Theta Chapter has begun their 2014/2015 membership year and we are off to a flying start. Colleen Landers gave a very informative and timely presentation on how to prepare for Accreditation. We welcome Tammy Bennardo to the Education Coordinator portfolio in addition to her Treasurer position and Chapter Representative post. Tammy will be working closely with Colleen Landers for the next few years in this position.

We have three more educational sessions planned and they consist of:

We also have an Education Day scheduled for April 18, 2015 in North Bay. Our membership numbers appear to be on the upswing and we are very excited for this development.

This year’s CSAO Conference was ‘spot-on’ as far as relevance to our profession, a real blast, and was enjoyed by those who I talked with. If I did not get a chance to talk to you, I am sorry and intend on re-doubling my efforts in these coming years. I thank you on behalf of the THETA Executive and look forward to serving you and assisting the Provincial Board in any way we can to further their designs on this great Association.

Jeffery Phelps

President, Theta Chapter, CSAO