MDRD/Central Service Week - October 12-18, 2014

MDRD/Central Service Week

The second full week of October is dedicated to celebrate the activities done in Central Services Departments across North and South America. Each department staff and Manager should plan an open house to teach staff throughout the facilities what type of work that is done in Central Service departments and their importance to patient care.

As workers and patients are not aware of the activities that occur behind closed doors, opening those doors for one day and displaying the great work that occurs within the departments makes people more aware of Central Service Departments importance in infection control and direct patients care. With the spread of SARS and other diseases today the proper reprocessing of reusable patient care items becomes more important then it ever has been. Please log-on to our website at for more information.

Remember if nurses and physicians do not have the instruments and sterilized items to perform procedures then patients will not receive the care they need. Congratulations to everyone for all of their hard work and dedication!

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