DELTA Chapter Report

The Delta chapter met on October 14, 2014, to celebrate MDR week. We had an educational workshop provided by Johnathan Tufts from Synthes on the total knee and enjoyed a light dinner.

On December 2, 2014, we met to celebrate Christmas and planned a fun and game night that included Delta MDR Jeopardy game. Many treats were won, and x-mas gifts were shared for everyone in attendance. We also had an opportunity to discuss the up and coming changes to the constitution, the new CSAO textbook, the CAMDR conference, and the positive impact it has on the CSAO.

On March 19, 2015, we met to discuss the final constitutional changes and announced that we would provide a Delta biannual Education Day. Plans included our second education day to take place once again in the Niagara area in April 2016. Details to follow.

We will be meeting again on May 21, at 5 p.m. at the St Joseph’s Community Center in the east end to participate in the General Annual Meeting. Voting for the proposed changes will take place electronically for the week following the meeting. We will draw 10 members to attend the CSAO conference this fall.

Congratulations, and a special thanks to Tony Leite for accepting the Master of Ceremonies position for the CSAO conference this fall.

Wishing everyone a wonderful, safe summer.


Denise Bosnjak

Delta Chapter President