Andy Straisfeld - Vendor Representative

This year’s CSAO Conference is geared to be a great event, and many thanks to our vendors for their support in making it happen.

From Pinball Clemons as our keynote speaker to all of our valued professional industry speakers, we intend to give the CSAO membership a great educational and social event in 2015! With our move to have the CSAO in every other year, we have provided our membership and vendors with more space to meet in a bigger hall. The benefit for our vendors will be more room to showcase products and equipment. Also, we have provided a more extended base of membership from end-users to management to meet which was a desire from the CSAO membership from last year’s review. We will be reaching out to all vendors as we tie up the organizational details for the show days and our awards night festivities.

On behalf of Louis and myself, please reach out to any of us to help make this year’s Conference a success for your organization.


Andy Straisfeld

Sales Representative – Northern/Eastern Ontario and Atlantic