Denise Bosnjak - President

Hello, everyone. Rohan, Chris and I were excited to attend the Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Conference where we were able to promote our new textbook, membership and CSAO Classroom, Refresher and Distance Courses. The book was much anticipated and well-received. Our text and workbooks are available to order on our website, and will be distributed by Harmony Printing in Toronto, ON. We will continue to work with Harmony Printing for other online opportunities to include our online CSAO store.

The new Constitution will be available this fall outlining all of the changes. The online voting proved to work very well and indicated that we will be changing our name to the ‘Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario’ (MDRAO). We will ‘kick off’ the name change this fall at the Conference. The membership packages are ready, so please do not forget to sign up early. Membership will continue to be included with course registration and conference registrations.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the CSAO Conference this year. The workshops will include Vision Sense by Integra Canada, and Orthopedics by Biomet. Our keynote speaker CFL Legend Mr. Michael ‘Pinball’ Clemons will speak on September 14 at 8:15 am. For all of the details, please refer to the website or the CSAO News magazine.

We will soon be planning for MDRD week to take place the week of October 12. Posters will be available at the Conference. It is important for all of our Chapters to recognize and celebrate the excellent work that is being performed in Medical Device Reprocessing Departments across the province. Please plan to send pictures to be displayed on the website.

Well, the nice weather is finally upon us. I hope everyone has a relaxing summer with family and friends.

Enjoy your time off, and we will look forward to seeing you in the fall!
