Louis Konstant - President

The new Executive Committee has already started planning our September 2017 Conference, whose theme is "Measuring Success: Quality Assurance in MDR". We are planning another informative three days of education and inspiration related to MDR in healthcare facilities. We thank the vendors for their generous support and continued participation.

Membership is on the rise again this year, and to date, we are well over 800 members. Please encourage your coworkers to join the MDRAO and participate in Chapter activities and meetings.

The MDR Classroom and Correspondence courses are off to another very successful year. Delta, ETA and Sigma have all completed a fall session. We have had 119 students register for correspondence courses, and we are developing online learning modules to supplement both the "Distance" and "Refresher" courses. Our textbooks and workbooks are undergoing many important edits and updates based on recent course feedback and review from our Educational Coordinator. The next edition in June will be better than ever!

We have also launched the online MDRAO Store, where hospitals can purchase merchandise such as pens, lanyards, travel mugs and caps with our unique logo. They make great gifts for MDRAO Week!


April 10th will be known as an international day of recognition for CSSD. This is coming from the World Federation for Hospital Sterilisation Sciences (yes spelled with an S and not a Z), which is willing to establish a special day to celebrate the CSSDs and their workers all over the world. This date is actually the birthday of the new World Federation. We count on you to spread this information throughout your hospitals to help others recognize the important value of our work.

Wishing all members success in their workplace and a happy and healthy winter ahead!

Louis Konstant
President MDRAO

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario