Delta Chapter Report

We included our final chapter meeting with the Christmas festivities of 2016. We had approximately eighteen people attend our meeting and dinner out at Kelsey’s in Brantford, Ontario on Wednesday, December 7, 2016. Before the meeting, our executive met to discuss the topic for consideration for our upcoming education day in 2017. We proposed to the members attending a trip to HIGHPOWER Validation Testing and Lab Services Inc. in Rochester, NY. Everyone was excited about the upcoming trip to HIGHPOWER, where Chuck Hughes was very involved. I attended the ETA Chapter meeting in November, where Rohan allowed me the opportunity to propose this trip to the membership at that meeting and it was well received. We hope to finalize a date for the education day and arrange a bus for the two chapters. Any other members who would be interested in travelling with us can contact me at subject HIGHPOWER TRIP.

 Happy New Year

 Tony Leite

Delta Chapter President

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario