Theta Chapter Annual Report


President Jeffrey Phelps,

Vice President Tammy Bennardo,

Secretary Tiffany Lessard,

Treasurer & Past President Colleen Landers,

Education Michelle Bellefeuille,

Theta Chapter Representative MDRAO Board Tammy Bennardo,


2016-2017 membership was 164 with 18 Managers, 99 Technicians and Associates 47.

THETA Chapter Meetings:

Theta chapter held 4 meetings in 2016-2017 year. These were held;
September 24th 2016 with 14 sites and 45 attending.
November 16th 2016 with 14 sites and 28 attending.
Feb 9th 2017 with 23 sites and 57 attended.
April 12th 2017 with 13 sites and 31 attending.
At this meeting dates were set for 2017-2018 meetings and education sessions. Education for 2017-2018 meetings was discussed, and the following dates and topics have been suggested:
Sept 13 Event #67718400 Decontamination Colleen Landers

Nov 22 2017 Event # 67719220 Communication Internal and External Tammy Bennardo

Feb 7th Event #67723115 Instrument Flexible Scope Repair/Transportation to Repair service 

April 11th 2018 Event # 67723500 Care and Handling of Orthopedic Instruments Ryan Crozier

All sites have been asked to register their OTN sites by June 1st for the 2017-2018 meetings by emailing their sites and systems to

All agendas, evaluations, attendance sheets and educational slides were posted on the Theta MDRA website and emailed to all members within 10 days prior to the meetings. After each meeting the attendance and minutes were posted within 5 days of the meeting. Lambda was invited to join us for education and then have their meetings following and this has worked well for the February and April meeting and will continue next year.

Names that qualified for the draw for 2017 MDRAO conference were from North Bay, Joanne Tourigny; Elliot Lake, Elise Jolivet-Levesque and Roxanne Gallogley; Kirkland Lake, Shirley Ducsharm; and Wawa, Jan Gagnon.  In order to qualify for the draw, they had to be a current member 2016-2017 by Sept 1st, be working as an MDRD technician in a hospital setting, attended three meeting or attended education day 2016, and be willing to attend the conference.

Incentives for 2017-2018 for THETA members are the following; if you attend the Sept/Nov/Feb meetings 2017-2018, be a regular MDRAO THETA chapter member 2017-2018 before Sept 1st 2017, be a technician in a healthcare setting, you qualify for your name to be placed in the draw for 3 technicians to attend the MDRAO conference 2019 with expenses to $1000.00. Managers, and RN’s and those who were winners since 2015 do not qualify. Also if you attend our Education Day April 21st 2018 North Bay and be a MDRAO member of Theta chapter by Dec 1st 2017, your name will be entered into a draw for a free 2019 MDRAO conference expenses to $1000.00.

Education Report: by Colleen Landers

Meetings: Education was provided to all members at meetings and an education day. Topics provided at meetings were;
  1. Sept 24th 2016 Quality by Tammy Bennardo - 1 Hour
  2. Nov 16th 2016 Enzymatics by Michelle Bellefeuille - 1 hour.
  3. Feb 9th 2017 Cleaning and validation in MDRD by 3M– 1 Hour
  4. April 12th Best Practices Flexible scopes by Tammy Bennardo for Vantage – 1 hour
Education certificates will be emailed to all Theta members for the total hours of sessions they attended. They will be sent by email before May 31st.

Education Day: THETA 8th Bi Annual Education day is set for April 21st 2018 in North Bay at the Best Western. The delegates will receive 7 hours of education on the following topics; Topics are: MIS Instruments; Standardizing Sets/Lean Principles in MDRD; Instrument Management System; Medical Device Reprocessing Standard Z314. Many prizes will be drawn and delegates will receive bags and other items from the vendors. A social will be provided on the Friday night. All delegates will receive educational certificates for their hours. A draw will be made for a MDRAO conference registration and expenses totaling $1000. for MDRAO 2019 conference. 

Medical Device Reprocessing Classroom Course:

2017 Course: The 2017 Course held May 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 13th, and there were 71 students registered at 6 sites which are Timmins, Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay, North Bay, Midland and Moose factory. All students passed with a class average of 84%. Colleen Landers and Tammy Bennardo were the coordinators. Thank you to the facilitators who volunteer at each site; Jeff Phelps, Luanne Sutherland, Dianne Brazeau and Leigh Pallister. Theta chapter want to thank the hospitals for offering their sites as without the facilities and facilitators we could not offer so many options to our members.

2018 Classroom Course: The dates and sites for the 2018 Classroom THETA course are May 8th, 9th, 10th11th and 12th 2018 with host site Timmins. The Coordinators for THETA Chapter are Colleen Landers and Tammy Bennardo. Satellite sites are North Bay, Thunder Bay, Orillia and Sault Ste. Marie. Schedules have been submitted and registration will start on June 1st. Each site has limited numbers so registration is on a first come basis.

Treasurers Report

A detailed financial report has been submitted to the MDRAO on the required form.
Opening Balance Receipts Rebate MDRAO and Education Day
Revenue: $6656.87 which came from MDRAO rebates and from our education day last year.
Expenses: $8235.45 which includes conference expenses for 2017 and education day expenses 2016/2018. 
Budgeted for 2018: THETA education Day expenses and operation costs. We budget for the expenses for the 3 draw winners for the 2019 MDRAO conference as drawn in this fiscal year plus cost education day in 2018 cost will be $6500.00 in 2017-2018.  
THETA Chapter Representative Report Tammy Bennardo

This year has been most exciting for me as your Chapter Rep. I have taken on the Education Director portfolio which is a nice fit for me as I also am a Co-ordinator for the MDRAO classroom course.

The executive has been working very hard on the work book and text book as it will be updated this May to the 4th edition printing.  Other projects are the online development of the Distant and refresher courses. 

Most recently I have been asked to take on the Vice President role on the Provincial Board which I am very pleased and honored to do.  My focus will be ensure we make the deadlines for the text book and work book and that our September Conference details are finalized.  Please plan on attending the provincial conference Sept 10-12 ,2017 in Toronto where Measuring Success; Quality Assurance in MDRD sets the tone for an Education and fun filled conference.

Submitted by: THETA EXECUTIVE 2016-2017

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario