Directors of Communications Annual Report




An MDRAO Survey went out to the membership in October, 2016.  We had a response rate of 8% out of a total of 931 members.  Anecdotal responses were not able to be captured in our response rate so will be removed for the next survey for 2017.

 Created the MDRAO newsletters for October 2016 and January 2017.

 The MDRAO Magazine-will be sent out to all members by July 2, 2017 with this year’s theme  "Measuring Success:  Quality Assurance in Medical Device Reprocessing".


Luanne Sutherland from LAMBDA Chapter is now the 2nd Director of Communications sitting on the MDRAO Executive Board.  She will be instrumental in creating the last two newsletters for 2017, and collaborating to complete the 2017 MDRAO Survey.


The last MDRAO survey will be sent out in October  after our MDRAO conference (September 10-12, 2017). We will capture information on whether the membership is more comfortable responding to an electronic conference APP vs. paper copies at our MDRAO conferences.


Wishing you all a safe and fun summer!


 Stephenie Naugler
Luanne Sutherland
MDRAO Directors of Communication



Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario