President's Report

A special thank you to all of our speakers and workshop presenters for providing informative sessions and sharing their experiences.
We are very proud to announce that this year’s MDRAO conference was the most successful in attendance for both our delegates and our vendors...kudos to everyone that participated in making this a very memorable conference! Many thanks to our members, vendors/sponsors, Board of Directors, and to Shelly McGee, our MDRAO administrative assistant who never fails to amaze us in terms of her event planning skills.  We would also like to especially thank Andy Straisfeld, vendor representative from Halyard Health for his contributions to the MDRAO over the past 2 years.   His enthusiasm and ongoing support even during challenging times has inspired us, and left a lasting relationship with the MDRAO team.   We wish him continued success in his future endeavors. 
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome and introduce Tammara Champoux as our new Vendor representative for 2017-19.   Tammara has been involved in the Medical Device Reprocessing field for several years, and represents another one of our valued sponsors, Getinge.   We look forward to working with Tammara as we begin planning our next conference.   The MDRAO 50th Anniversary Biannual Conference will take place in September 2019.  
I would also like to congratulate Dianne King for accepting the Isobel Campbell award and being recognized for her work on the on-line exams that are now  successfully implemented for our Distant and Refresher courses.   Dianne continues to work on the MDRAO on-line courses that are slated for the fall of 2018.  
The board will resume again in November to discuss matters at hand, and resume work on the mission and vision statements.   We plan to reach out to our members through our membership survey for your input.  
Just a reminder that next year is an election year.    As we plan for the changes at the provincial board level we encourage you to become involved.   This is a very exciting time for the MDRAO as we continue to move forward to reposition this great organization for the future.    Please reach out to your Chapter Presidents for additional information to find out how you can be nominated and start participating at the Chapter Executive level and/or represent your chapter at the Provincial level.  
Please check out our website for details and timelines.
Finally, I hope you and your families enjoyed a very warm and happy Thanksgiving.
Denise Bosnjak,
MDRAO President

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario