Vice President's Report

The Executive Team really pulled it all together bringing forward one of the most successful MDRAO conferences, "Measuring success "  with over 150 delegates and a sold-out room full of vendors.  Thank you to our vendor rep Andy Straisfeld, who completed his term with us with another excellent conference bringing a lot of fun into our Canada 150 theme awards dinner.  At the conference, our vendor meeting was held and nominations were put forward for Vendor Reps; we had five submissions and an election. The success nominee was Tammara Champoux from Getinge.  As voted on by the vendors.

I am so excited about all the hard work the MDRAO Executive is doing right now. The Fourth Edition of the Medical Device Reprocessing Textbook and work book has been printed.  We now have our distance and refresher course online. This year is the last year for the course to be taught in the classroom and it too will be online. Translation of our materials to French is also being done. We are planning for 2019 Conference our 50th Anniversary of the Association. So much to plan and celebrate!

Sitting on the CSA as the MDRAO representative has brought me to a new level of learning, and the new document is going to be such a great addition to every MDR across Canada.

This coming year is an election year, and I look forward to working with all of you. I encourage you to get involved in your various chapters across Ontario. There are so many great people you can learn from and who will mentor you.  It is not easy to maintain work and volunteer commitments but the benefits are immense.

Thank you all for the hard work you do each and every day to keep our patients, families, and friends safe.  Enjoy MDR week and my warmest wishes to you and yours for a Happy Thanksgiving.

Tammy Bennardo, CMDRT Vice President MDRAO

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario