THETA Report

THETA Report

2017-2018 THETA Executives:

President, Jeffrey Phelps,

Vice President, Tammy Bennardo,

Secretary, Tiffany Lessard,

Treasurer and Past President, Colleen

Education, Michelle

Theta Chapter Representative MDRAO Board, Tammy


2017-2018 membership was 99 with 16 Managers, 71 Technicians and Associates.

THETA Chapter Meetings:

Dates for 2017-2018 meetings and education sessions:

Sept 27th Event #67718400 Decontamination Colleen Landers

Nov 22nd 2017 Event # 67719220 Communication Internal and External Tammy Bennardo

Feb 7th Event #67723115 Instrument Flexible Scope Repair/Transportation to Repair service

April 11th 2018 Event # 67723500 Care and Handling of Orthopedic Instruments Ryan Crozier

Incentives for 2017-2018 for THETA members are the following; if you attend the Sept/Nov/Feb meetings for 2017-2018, be a regular MDRAO THETA chapter member 2017-2018 before Sept 1st 2017, be a technician in a healthcare setting, you qualify for your name to be placed in the draw for 3 technicians to attend the MDRAO conference in 2019 with expenses paid up to $1000.00. Managers and RN’s and those who were winners beginning 2015 do not qualify. Also, if you attend our Education Day April 21st 2018 in North Bay and are an MDRAO member of Theta chapter by Sept 27th 2017, your name will be entered into a draw for two free 2019 MDRAO conference expenses up to $1000.00. We will have the same draws for attending meetings for the 2018-2019 year, so a total of 8 members plus executive will be able to attend the 2019 50th anniversary conference in Toronto.

Education Report by Colleen Landers:

Education Day: THETA 8th Bi Annual Education day is set for April 21st 2018 in North Bay at the Best Western. The delegates will receive 7 hours of education on the following topics; Topics are: MIS Instruments; Standardizing Sets/Lean Principles in MDRD; Instrument Management Systems and Medical Device Reprocessing Standard Z314. Many prizes will be drawn and delegates will receive bags and other items from the vendors. A social will be provided on the Friday night. All delegates will receive educational certificates for their hours. A draw will be made for two MDRAO conference registration and expenses totaling $1000 for the MDRAO 2019 conference. There are 27 vendors and 1 delegate registered to date and vendor booths are sold out.

Medical Device Reprocessing Classroom Course:

2018 Classroom Course: The dates and sites for the 2018 Classroom THETA course are May 8th, 9th, 10th 11th and 12th 2018 with host site Timmins. The Coordinators for THETA Chapter are Colleen Landers and Tammy Bennardo. Satellite sites are North Bay, Thunder Bay, Orillia and Sault Ste. Marie. Schedules have been submitted and registration will start on June 1st. Each site has limited numbers, so registration is on a first come, first serve basis.

2017-2018 Refresher Course:

Refresher: $340.00, which includes your textbook. If your certificate was in the 2013, you need to register for a refresher course in the 2017/2018 year. The applications for the course will open on-line June 1st 2017 and is open until Feb 1st2018. Also, if you plan to write the CMDRT, you must register as required reading and preparation material is offered in the refresher course. Make sure to register so that you write the exam before your certificate expires. Exam written on-line and a webcam is required. No face to face exam writing.

MDRAO Website: all members have access to resource videos at site; log in and as a member. You should have received an email giving you a password to log in to the members-only site. Go to the Members Centre and then New Resource Library. There are over 20 videos there for you to view free. If you do not have a log-in, please email the office at with your membership number and the office manager will forward it to the webmaster who will contact you. Registration is open on-line on the MDRAO website. The exam is on-line and this course and our textbook is the recommended preparation to write the CMDRT.

Treasurers Report:

Activity includes the following: Education day Booths paid x 6 @$175.00 each payment one delegate registration. Deposit rebate MDRAO $5,437.67

Expenses delegates totalling $ 917.05

MDRAO conference

Theta had 17 members attending, which was great. We paid for 8 members, and they all enjoyed the event. Theme was Canada’s 150th Anniversary, and speakers were great. 2019 conference in Sept. will be the Golden 50 years, so plan on attending.

THETA Chapter Representative Report Tammy Bennardo, CMDT

Just returned from the MDRAO conference in Toronto, where over 150 delegates enjoyed a great conference with 48 vendor booths great education and workshops. The Provincial executive team is working hard to plan the 2019 50th Anniversary Conference. Membership has its rewards, and attending these OTN sessions and being a member make you all eligible to win your way there! Please reach out to your facility as well and let them know you are interested in going so that it can be planned for.

You will see the refresher and distance course is now on-line, and we are working hard to put the techniques course on line as well. May 2018 will be last classroom course for Theta. The Fourth Edition of the MDRAO workbook and textbook has been printed and it is the only Canadian textbook for MDR based on the CSA standards this is a great item for every MDR to have as reference book. For me there have been lots of changes and additions to my portfolio as your Provincial Executive member, but with the help of the members past and present, I have had a lot of help. Thank you to everyone for your support and guidance. This May is an election year, and you will find information about portfolios on the website. We need you to get involved so we can make changes. Please save this date and make plans to attend.

THETA CHAPTER EDUCATION DAY April 20th & 21st, 2018

LOCATION: Best Western 700 Lakeshore Drive, North Bay, Ontario P1A 2G4 (705) 474-5805 Toll Free 1-800-461-6199 Fax (705) 474-8699 When booking state THETA as this gives us breaks in the conference room. Room Rates: $114.99 Double and Queen. Book before March 31, 2018. COST: THETA 2017-2018 members paid by Sept 27th 2017 – Technicians $30.00 Managers $40.00 paid by personal cheque that will be returned when you attend. Those that are members after Sept 27, 2017 will not have their cheque returned to them.

THETA non-members and others: $75.00 and after March 26th, 2018 $85.00

Agenda: April 20th Hospitality and Registration in the Champlain C Room (second floor) 7:00pm – 9:00pm. April 21st Education 7:30 Breakfast and Vendors 8:00am to 3:30pm with 27 vendor booths. Breakfast and Lunch included.

Topics: MIS Instruments; Standardizing Sets/Lean Principles in MDRD; Instrument Management System; Medical Device Reprocessing New Standard Z314.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours we are so thankful for all you do for the patients and our association. Our next OTN session is November 22/17.


Hello everyone!

I would like to offer a warm welcome to all current THETA members, new members and guests from other chapters. I must send my regrets as I will be out of country for a couple of weeks.

Fall has quickly fallen upon us with a very short summer, and it is now time for us to get down to business. Our membership stands at 99 as of the end of August. This is a very encouraging start so let’s keep up the momentum!

The MDRAO conference was a real beauty this year. My hat is off to the planning committee who, despite numerous changes in personnel and obstacles, managed to pull off one of the best conferences in recent memory. The subjects and speakers were informative and on topic. The workshops were engaging and the whole conference staff upbeat and positive. I strongly recommend this conference experience to all.

We are entering into an election year and many of us on the THETA Committee are at the end of time allotted to occupy our positions. There are a number of positions up for grabs this year and other than the President all positions are up for nomination. Granted, some of us will seek other positions in the chapter but we still need some new committee members to mentor so that we can continue to grow and move forward in this association. As well, there will be some vacancies at the Provincial level and this information will be announced later in the year. Having served you on both levels, I can assure you that it is a very rewarding and educational experience and time well spent. As I stated, more information will be forth coming regarding the vacancies and nomination procedures. Position duties are available for viewing under the constitution banner on-line at

I would like to close by urging you all to consider serving on one the boards. It is your association so please get involved. It has been a great privilege and honor for me to have and continue to serve as your Chapter President.

Jeffrey J Phelps CD, CMDRT

President Theta Chapter


Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario