The Year Ahead

Hello MDRAO members. 

I hope everyone had a great summer and are all enjoying this beautiful autumn weather. I would like to welcome all the new Board executives as well as thank all the outgoing Board executives for all their support and help during their term. 
All chapters are starting to plan their meetings as well as education days to celebrate MDR week .I hope members will take the time to attend the meetings scheduled in their areas. 
The board will be starting to meet and plan our MDRAO conference next year. This will be an amazing conference and we are looking forward to seeing all members attend and make it a success. CAMDR will be hosting their conference as well and all of their information is on the CAMDR website.
MDRAO also launched their on line course in June and it has been a great success. If members are interested in re-certifying please visit our website for more information.
We encourage all MDR departments to plan and celebrate MDR week to recognize the important work being done to keep patients safe.

Wishing all members success in their workplace and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario