LAMBDA Chapter Report

March 2019 Report

LAMBDA finally had a meeting that members came to on March 6th. One-third of the membership attended, and it was great to see/hear them.  From Red Lake to Marathon is 850 km, and there are at least 200 km between each town represented, so these meetings on OTN are essential. I would like to extend a special thank you to the Vice President and Secretary/ Treasurer, Megan Bozec, for taking the day off work just to be able to attend and take the meeting minutes.

The difficulties our members face in attending the MDRAO conference in September because of the vast distances involved were discussed. It was noted that most of us would have to take two days off work in order to be able to attend. Despite that, we will be sending members to the conference in Toronto.

It’s wonderful to be associated with people who are so dedicated to their profession and this association that they are willing to go so out of their way to participate!

Candia Anderson                    

LAMBDA Chapter President


Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario