MDRAO Updates - from Jeffrey Phelps CD, CMDRT

My fellow MDRAO Members,

Spring has come and gone and now summer has finally arrived. It has been quite an eventful first six months, and we have seen what I believe to be a lot of positive changes for this great association.

We have hit the ground running without missing a stride with a much smaller, leaner, more cohesive board, and in my opinion we have one of the best teams I have ever worked with. I thank them all for their hard work and dedication to this association and to you, our valued members.

Currently, we are working very hard to produce the best conference ever this September. The conference will be held September 6-8 in Toronto Ontario. This is our 50th year, and we have lined up an exciting agenda with dynamic speakers based on our theme of "Inspiring Innovation." Black and gold are our theme colours in keeping with our 50th anniversary. We invite you to come to the conference to learn and participate in our workshops, reconnect with old friends, make new ones, meet and network with your vendors and have a great time.

I am pleased to report that the online courses were successful and, after some tweaking by our facilitators and education directors, they are ready to roll out again. As an added bonus, our textbook is now available in French and we are very proud and excited about it. On behalf of my fellow board members, we would like to thank you for your patience and support throughout our restructuring endeavors this year. It is our pledge to you to be the most professional and accountable board that is possible for this great institution. It is our 
passion and honour to serve you.


Jeffrey Phelps CD, CMDRT

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario