DELTA Chapter Report

Greetings from Delta Chapter.

In this report I will review details of our recent activity.

We held several executive meetings to organize the Education Day. It was a highly successful event with many guest speakers. The participants found the day to be interesting and educational. The dialogue during the question and answer period with the presenters was engaging and informative. One highlight was learning about new future standards for CSA and how it will impact our membership. Another interesting issue that was discussed, and is probably an issue for other chapters as well, is wet packs. The discussion centred on the plastic lids vs. the aluminium lids. It was felt by the speaker that, due to the plastic not cooling down as fast as the aluminium case, this could be one of the contributing factors for wet packs. Discussion also included the regular maintenance of MDRD washers and sterilizing machines. The speaker and audience agreed that maintenance of these should be done on a regular basis, not only when the machines are experiencing issues. In all, the executive committee felt that the education day was a successful day. 

Members had the opportunity to submit proposed changes to the constitution during a teleconference on the constitution and chapter bylaws. I found that one of the most interesting proposals was related to implementing an additional category of memberships for students who are taking our courses. It is the hope of the executive that these and other positive and proactive changes that the members recommended are included in the new constitution. 

We ended our year, as we have in the past, with our Christmas meeting and dinner. Nano Sonic did a presentation at the meeting.

Our next meeting will take place in May.

Respectfully submitted,
Octavio Carvalho 
DELTA Chapter President

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario