DELTA Chapter Report

Hello fellow members,

The summer is over, and that means our meetings will recommence. The Delta Chapters’ first meeting was in Dunnville on October 4, between 6-9 pm. Our Delta Chapter area is geographically large, so we try to have our meetings in different locations to make accessibility fair for our members. Delta sent 16 members to the conference this year. Six members were sponsored by the National, and we thank them for their continued support in doing this. The Delta Chapter was able to send ten members to the conference. The conference was held in Toronto. I wish to thank the organizers for all their hard work in planning this successful event. People I spoke to claimed that they had learned a lot and had a great experience at the conference. Personally, I was able to put faces to a lot of people that I have contacted either by text or phone calls and personally thank them for their help throughout the year. I hope that the information gathered at the conference will be shared with our members who were not able to attend. Thank you and I hope to see you at future meetings.

Octavio Carvalho

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario