MDRAO Updates - from Jeffrey Phelps CD, CMDRT

Hello fellow members,

Here we are celebrating the 50th birthday of the MDRAO — an association committed to educating its members in best practices to ensure quality health care outcomes. I hope you are all as proud of this association as I am. 

Throughout the summer, the executive was very busy planning the 50th year conference. And what a conference it was! This year marked the largest conference attended by delegates and vendors alike, with preliminary reports and feedback indicating it was a resounding success. 

This fall, we will continue to build this association through promoting education, developing innovative partnerships and improving services to you, the members. We will also continue to work with our new managing company to resolve some glitches in our operations. 

On behalf of your executive members, I would like to thank you for the honour and privilege of serving you and we look forward to launching the MDRAO into the next 50 years. 


Jeffrey Phelps CD, CMDRT

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario