Manitoba Medical Device Reprocessing Conference 2019

Saturday October 19, 2019, Garry Bassi - Director of Education and Sara Roberts - Director of Communications attended a medical device reprocessing conference in Winnipeg, MB. 

During the conference, there was a vendors' exhibition which allowed Garry and Sara the opportunity to showcase MDRAO. Our MDRAO textbooks, both the English and French versions, were very popular and received a lot of great feedback. MDRAO was excited to raffle off an English MDRAO textbook, and the recipient of this textbook was beyond thrilled and very grateful. There was interest from Winnipeg folks regarding the refresher courses MDRAO offers, and some asked how they could become members. CAMDR was also there.

The conference was held at the Victoria Inn, Winnipeg, MB - 1808 Wellington Avenue.


There were many benefits to the organization because of this conference. The takeaway was inspiring and educational in the sense that MDRAO had the opportunity to make connections with the professionals within the medical device reprocessing industry. Garry and Sara were able to promote MDRAO as a whole, while at the same time they focused on sharing information about the online courses as well as our textbooks. Opportunities like this help the growth of our organization. As well, MDRAO was able inspire the benefits of continued education within the medical device reprocessing field. Overall, Winnipeg appreciated that MDRAO supported their conference by attending. After all this is what our mission statement is – education.

Click Here to see the full agenda.

Thank you to those who contributed to the success of this conference!
Sara Roberts - MDRAO Director of Communications 

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario