Season’s Greetings MDRAO Members

2019 has come and almost gone extremely quickly. It has been a busy year, with chapters successfully sending as many of their members to our biannual conference as they were able. Attending the MDRAO Conference engages members and encourages participation by members in our MDRAO association. Learning and growing is a key result of membership, and this year’s MDRAO Conference provided much learning and growing. As this new year approaches, we are asked to become more involved in the MDRAO executive. Elections for various positions are currently open for nominations, and this is a great opportunity for members to embrace the possibilities that executive positions bring. As a new executive member, you are mentored by past executives who have learned and grown in their positions. As they move on, they are entrusted with assisting new executives. All of this has been the successful path that has allowed MDRAO to be so successful for the past fifty years. Along with upcoming elections, the coming year is the opportunity for individual chapters to hold their biannual education day. This is a key role of chapter development, ensuring that our members are introduced and kept current with best practices. Being up to date and relevant ensures that our members are regarded as the best MDR techs in the industry. Our lives are so busy in and outside of work; however, I would like to conclude by encouraging our members to continue to grow in our industry. Nominate and/or accept humbly the opportunity to be involved on the executive team and become part of developing your chapters. I look forward to visiting with the chapters throughout the upcoming year.
Tony Leite
MDRAO Director of Chapter Development

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario