Sigma Chapter Report

On November 30, 2019, the Sigma chapter hosted a brilliant Lunch and Learn session at a restaurant in London, Ontario. The members who attended included familiar and new faces. During this meeting, two members were randomly selected to attend the 2021 biannual MDRAO conference to be held in Toronto.

As the year quickly closes out, end of year reflections are everywhere. Throughout 2019, the members of Sigma experienced many educational and networking opportunities. We toured many facilities. Some to mention include the London Linen Hospital Services facility and the St Thomas Elgin General Hospital. Our chapter sent 12 members to the 2019 MDRAO conference—paid registration and accommodations! Our members received education provided by many professional guest speakers on a variety of topics.
As a side note, the executive team would like to hear your ideas on education topics that will spark your interest for our 2020 year.

Our association is currently accepting applications for Provincial and Chapter executive positions. Please contact if you have any questions or interest regarding these exciting opportunities.

Nominations for the Provincial Executive positions of Vice President and Director of Finance are open as of December 1, 2019.

Also nominations for Chapter executive and representative positions are open as of December 1, 2019.

Chapter Executive Nomination Form

On behalf of the entire Sigma chapter executive, it is our sincere hope that you realize how important your role is to the patients, families and customers you serve. We wish you peace and joy over the December holidays; as well, we hope you embrace the new year with excitement and determination.

Kind regards,

Sara Roberts - Chapter President
Jodie O’Phee - Vice President
Stacey Marshall - Educator
Corey Edwards - Treasurer & Secretary

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario