Director of Communications Report

As your Director of Communications, it is part of my duties and privilege to round up the information provided in this newsletter. The communications report is for your knowledge and awareness, and I hope to convey useful and helpful information encircling our organization.

For those of you that are submitting a Chapter Report, why is this so important?
Not only is submitting a chapter report part of the executive duties outlined in the constitution. Chapters should consider this report as the prime opportunity to showcase the activities of their chapter. Taking time to reflect on the year’s events and preparing a report is important for the health, success and growth of your chapter. By looking back on your year, you will remember things to celebrate and keep for next year, and also see areas for improvement.

Titled in this newsletter you’ll be able to read chapter reports submitted by the chapter presidents from all the chapter regions in Ontario. The MDRAO organization is geographically divided into 6 chapters:

Click the link to view our Ontario map divided between our 6 chapter.

Provincial Board Meetings:
Recently the MDRAO Provincial Board embarked on a new adventure. There was a board meeting held in Thunder Bay, Ontario in the Lambda chapter region on February 21-23, 2020.

The Lambda chapter stretches North of Sault Ste. Marie to Thunder Bay to the Manitoba Border. The President: Candia Anderson and Vice President/Treasurer /Secretary: Megan Bozec have been actively working towards building the Lambda membership, so this new idea to host a face-to-face meeting was very well received by the current and future members of this chapter.

“This meeting was one of the first of the initiative to show members across the whole province that they matter to the board. Each board meeting for the next two years and hopefully beyond will be held in a different region, defined by Chapter.” - Candia Anderson

Events & Deadlines

Director of Finance and Provincial Vice President Applications Due
February 15, 2020

Chapter Representative for Board of Directors Applications Due
March 7, 2020

Chapter Executive Nomination Applications Due
March 7, 2020

Friday, May 29, 2020 - Annual General Meeting via Webcast/OTN

Friday, May 29, 2020 - Voting on the Constitution changes

Recent News updates on the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): MDRAO has provided a slide bar to their homepage for members to review important information regarding COVID-19.

Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the WHO website and through your national and local public health authority.

During this time, those around you may become anxious or fearful. Be kind and show your support.

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

Sara Roberts
Director of Communications

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario