Dear fellow MDRAO members.

It seems that spring has arrived, and I for one welcome it. With early spring, though, come various outbreaks in facilities, and this year brings the threat of another pandemic. I trust that we will come out of this in good shape. We have asked to have links added to our web page to help you with up-to-date information on the COVID-19 virus from Ontario, Canada and the W.H.O.

Remember to wash your hands, don't touch your face and cover your cough. You have the tools, you have the knowledge. You've got this!

This has been a very productive time for your board, and I think that, although somewhat hidden, the work accomplished is right on track with the MDRAO's direction for our growth and continued prosperity. In the reports that follow, you will get a good idea of just what we have been up to. In the new education and membership year, there will be a new LMS (learning management system) introduced to streamline our course and make it more user-friendly. Also, we are taking charge of our website to make it more user-friendly and efficient. We are told that this should be a fairly seamless transition. Fingers crossed.

Conference planning for 2021 is in its early stages but underway.

I thank you for your time and the trust you continue to have in us, and we are honoured to serve you.

Jeffrey Phelps CD, CMDRT
President, MDRAO

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario