Lambda Chapter Report

On July 18, 2019, Lambda had only 16 members. We sent 7 of them to the 50th MDRAO conference in Toronto in Sept. 2019. We now have 25 members from across the Northwest and big hopes for more this year as we will be holding our first Education Day in Sept.

We have struggled to fill the Education Director position. Brenda Myketa, from Marathon, volunteered last year but had unfortunately had to resign for family reasons. Luckily, Lorena Tamson, from Sioux Lookout, stepped up.

Our executives come from towns that are hours apart. Here in Atikokan, I am about a 2 ½ drive from both Sioux Lookout and Thunder Bay. Thus, unfortunately, it was too expensive for Lorena to join us in Thunder Bay for the tour of the Regional’s MDRD and the Meet & Greet with the board. (See They Came North for details.)

In June, Megan and I are hoping to join Lorena in Sioux Lookout for the Sunset Country Operating Room Nurses’ Association conference. All MDRTs in Sunset Country (starts at Manitoba border east to Sioux & Atikokan) are invited, so it will be a unique opportunity to meet colleagues from the west.

2020 promises to be an interesting year for Lambda; big plans, big hopes & long drives. 

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario