Fellow MDRAO members

To say that it has been a trying spring would be an understatement for sure. Many of us are being redeployed to various pandemic services, and some part timers are probably wondering where the part is in part time.

Our thoughts are with you.

The board has been moving on with business, and you will start seeing the fruits of our labours.

We have commissioned a new learning system due to roll out soon as well as working on a new evergreen membership system that will allow you to renew for one year at any time, thereby avoiding the wait till June 1st to renew. We are also looking into a two-year option as well.

We have lobbied the Premier, and Ministers of Health, Long Term Care and Finance as well as the Unions for inclusion in the pandemic pay boost for All MDR Techs.

In the new sitting we will be working on fixing a very outdated constitution and some other projects we have on board.

Soon you will see a French version of MDRAO appear beside our logo that we are excited about and revamping our mission statements and vision statements to be more in line with our direction.

Looking at the nominations that we received for Chapter board positions and representatives, we are lacking a lot of volunteers in the Gamma, Lambda and Theta Chapters. We need your help! It doesn't take much of your time really, and it does have benefits such as free conferences every two years. Some travel in the case of Chapter reps. with paid expenses. The feeling of accomplishment and having made a difference. The clean up of the board affairs we have nearly finished was in part due to lack of interest by members to commit to helping the MDRAO to survive. We need new people to carry this momentum on to make this association a great one.

Please consider joining us as we move forward.

It is always a pleasure to serve you.


Jeffrey Phelps CD, CMDRT



Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario