Director of Finance Report May 2020

Although the present pandemic has curtailed some board activities such as conferences and face to face meetings, we still have to pay our management company, textbook printer and other vendors. We are still in a good financial position, aiming to end the year in the black.

If there is one thing my hospital job as MDRD/Stores Lead during this, it’s that accountants want the year ends done no matter what. The MDRAO fiscal year is coming to an end May 31st. The Chapter Year End Statements to be filled out have been sent to the Chapter presidents and treasurers. Hopefully this one is easier than last year’s. If you have not received yours or are having trouble filling it out, please contact me at or our Financial Manager, Ryan at

Although the board has voted to not have set membership years (meaning a membership would be good for a year from when purchased not just till May 31st) and asked the management company to figure out how to make it work, we are still stuck with our membership ending May 31 so remember to renew in June!

Stay safe and stay well!

Candia Anderson

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario