Lambda Chapter Report May 2020

I ended my last newsletter report in February: 2020 promises to be an interesting year for Lambda; big plans, big hopes & long drives. Well it sure isn’t turning out that way. The pandemic caused the April Lambda meeting to be cancelled because my hospital turned all the OTN rooms into patient rooms.

The Sunset Country Operating Nurses Association’s conference in Sioux Lookout scheduled for June was cancelled. Tony and I are very disappointed to have missed that opportunity, although I was nervous about speaking at my first nurse’s conference.

We’ve all had challenges, and ‘board meetings’ these days are emails. I am grateful the MDRAO now has a management company to help the board keep the association running through tough times.

I am proud to say when the government left MDRTs off the list for premium pay, the MDRAO President, Jeffery Phelps, with the full support of the board, sent a letter of protest to government and union officials. You have been sent this letter; please forward it to your MPP. Be proud of what you do; many couldn’t do it.

June 1st is soon upon us and I am looking forward to meeting and working the new chapter reps that will be joining the board. I don’t know when we will be able to meet face to face, but until then, we will adapt. I may even have to get the internet at home!

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario