MDRTs Coping During Pandemic

Dawn Vassell
ETA Chapter

“Whether you are going into work or working fromhome, the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we work. Fear and anxiety about this new disease and other strong emotions can be overwhelming and the workplace stress can lead healthcare workers to burn out. Not being able to cope with our emotions and the high level of stress can affect our well being, the well being of the people we care about , our workplace and our community as a whole. During this pandemic it is critical that we recognize what stress looks like, take steps to build our resilience and manage job stress. Recognize the symptoms of stress we may be experiencing - fear, anger or in denial, feeling uncertain, nervous or anxious; lacking motivation; feeling tired, overwhelmed or burnout out; feeling sad/ depressed; having trouble sleeping or concentrating. It is important for us to communicate with each other, our co workers, supervisors and employees about job stress all while maintaining social distancing. We need to take care of our personal and family needs while still working. Learning new communication tools and continue to deal with technical difficulties. All in all we must continue to work together as a team in order to find and conquer this virus together. Thank you for taking the time to read my personal thoughts on this issue”

Mary Shane Soliven
ETA Chapter

Tiffany Anjema
SIGMA Chapter

“Covid-19 has been an eye opener for me. I started out reprocessing N95 masks in the MDR department in Sarnia, Ontario. I was then deployed to the Emergency Department, screening every patient that came in. Being right there talking to people with the virus has been a scary adventure. I’m so grateful for the PPE given to me every shift to keep me safe. This experience has made me love my MDR department even more than I did before”

Sue Reay

“Our hospital is likely considered smaller in comparison to a lot of the other facilities in our region. Teamwork has always been strong between all the departments of our hospital. Though since Covid-19 has entered all our lives both personally and professionally, the teamwork and moral has grown so much stronger. Spending more time with our work family than with our actual families during the past weeks the support among staff has been so wonderful. With the uncertainty weighing heavy on all of us, and the extra long hours put in trying to keep this overwhelming virus at bay, each department has supported the other. Through the stress we have still managed to make light of a rough situation, finding time each day to laugh, sometimes cry but mostly support each other through these rough waters. I've always been proud of my job and the work I do, but it's during times like this that I am proud to be a front-line work - a COVID Warrior if you will, and proud to work at the Hanover & District Hospital”

Marivic Rivera
ETA Chapter

“I am currently working as MDR tech at St. Joseph's hospital in Hamilton. For me nothing to be afraid of, follow the social distancing , wash hands properly. stay at home if you are sick . Be positive , I know it's hard, but we have too - negativity will make this worse”

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario