Chapter Development Report

Hello MDRAO Members

Chapter Development is an ongoing effort to encourage MDRD professionals to become members of a professional association. MDRAO has been promoting the MDR Technician profession for over 50 years. From the beginning of these turbulent times of the Covid-19 pandemic, MDR technicians have been on the front lines prepared to ply our trade as needed in a moment's notice.

Does your workplace know how valuable your profession is? If they do, there is a good chance that MDRAO has had a hand in that. Throughout Ontario, there is a designated chapter dedicated to a geographic region. Every industry that supports MDRD knows who we are (MDRAO). From instruments, chemicals and disposable products, all of these providers are all acquainted with our association. If there have been improvements in the equipment that we use and instruments that we reprocess, MDRAO was asked for our input. As much as we learn from our vendors, they learn just as much from us.

We have entered into a new two-year session of Chapter executives. I would like to congratulate the executives that were voted into positions for the first time and welcome back the chapter executives that have moved into new positions. For those that have moved out of the executive positions, I would like to thank them for all of their efforts and dedication to their members and our profession. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

As we continue to grow, I am excited to welcome the following members to the MDRAO Provincial Board of Directors

We on the board look forward to working with our new members and want to let them know that we are here together to support each other and our membership.

The more voices / members we have in our professional association, the more influence we have to affect change and initiate improvements for both our trade and on behalf of our patients. Our skill and attention to detail ensures an infection free procedure for the patients that attend our clinics, dental offices and hospitals.

If you want our profession to be better recognized, add your voice, become a member of MDRAO.

With Gratitude,

Tony Leite
MDRAO Provincial Director of Chapter Development

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario