ETA Report

Year 2020, like no other, is behind us, but still the uncertainty of the pandemic is lingering around us with a new variant of COVID-19 circulating in parts of the world. Since it started, there is no doubt that everyone is affected; it changes the way we do our daily activities from hand washing, wearing face coverings and physical distancing, including social distancing, which means no parties or gatherings, no or limited visitations to our love ones and our relatives not even siblings and parents. Our workplaces are very much affected; some are closed during lockdowns to the extent employees are laid off – worst of it, a lot of businesses are straggling to restart or decides to closed down.

The pandemic affected so much of our health care system, from the long-term care and the hospitals that care for the sick. Some hospitals admissions and ICU beds are put into overcapacity; some had to add extra area to keep those who are not able to overcome the virus. Hospitals had to cut scheduled surgeries just to accommodate the surging cases of COVID-19 infection.

There was a point that we were going to run out of personal protective equipment specially masks. The medical device reprocessing community had to do something. Together with infection control and health and safety, medical device reprocessing departments started to reprocess masks in case there is a shortage mask supply. Fortunately, there is still good amount of mask supply for everyone to use to protect our health.

During these times, wearing a mask is part of our daily routines, going to work, in the workplace and travels in addition to restrictions. The way people shop is also changed. The Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario is very much affected – no meetings from the chapter level to the executive level. The very much awaited conferences by so many members are also postponed /cancelled.

Now that the distribution of vaccine is well underway, hopefully the efficacy is as expected and in no time we will see our lives is back to normal, the pre-pandemic routine of activities.

To each and every one, stay safe and stay healthy.

Pablo Ramiro
MDRAO ETA Chapter Representative

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario