AGM Chapter Development Report

Staying safe has required our MDRAO family to work and talk from a distance. Our ability to meet and gather is a big part of our functioning as an educational association. Support has been provided principally through a video connection or email. Even though our work has undergone changes with reassignments and workloads, we continue to carry the responsibility of providing uncompromised care for the patients that we serve.

Developing and growing our membership has required us to find different ways of staying in contact and supporting our members. As we move forward through what is left of this pandemic, we will continue to offer support through the digital formats available. If you detected optimism from my last statement, you heard right. We will move past this social isolation and we will meet in person once again. Until then, keep your questions and ideas coming.

Thank you for your service

Tony Leite
MDRAO Provincial Director of Chapter Development

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario