ETA Chapter Report

For more than a year now, we have been in an extremely very challenging and stressful situation in our daily activities through the pandemic. As part of the healthcare community, we are doing our part to make ourselves, our colleagues and most importantly our patients safe and healthy. We experienced first, second and third waves of lockdowns, loosening up, again lockdowns and staying home orders. To most of us, it has been a challenge, from babysitting to going work, in addition to wearing a mask all day. Our resourcefulness and creativity were also challenged when the Ontario government asked us to reprocess N95 masks, thinking that we were going to run out. Luckily, companies were able to ramp up their production, so the reprocessing of single use masks has stopped.

No one could ever have imagined the impact of the pandemic on our daily activities. This pandemic interrupted almost everything, and because of the situation, ETA chapter is not as active as it ever been; regular meetings are not conducted due to social/physical distancing, health and safety concerns. We have met virtually once, joined by three executives, discussed how we can proceed and transfer the ownership of the finances of the chapter from the previous executive. We have been extending invitations to members about free education webinars conducted by some vendors. Hoping that we can go back to our pre-pandemic activities, the chapter executives will be able to meet again soon and able to conduct membership meetings.

To the MDRAO Community be safe and stay healthy.

The ETA Chapter

·         President– Jocelyn Samson

·         Vice President- Maria Raj

·         Secretary -Ariel Buchanan

·         Treasurer – Judith Cojuanco

·         Education Lystra Shah

·         Chapter Rep – Pablo Ramiro

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario