Greetings fellow MDRAO members and guests.

Here we are are in final quarter of 2021, and we are still not through the pandemic yet. This is frustrating for most people, especially our board as we try to plan for our future as a great association. We recently met in Toronto to discuss a lot of things, and we made great progress in a few areas. 

We welcomed a new board member from Gamma Chapter. Roch Landriault will join Michael Duncan as a Director of Education.  

We decided against a virtual conference this fall in favour of a full face to face in mid-spring 2022. This is of course Covid permitting, but these conferences take a lot of planning and we needed to start that process right now.  

We have changed our logo to include our bilingual name. Have a peak at the website. It looks very nice. We are embarking on a new partnership with chapter educators for making chapter education available to all members that can be viewed at any time and collect continuing education points for the sessions.  

Exciting times for all. The light is at the end of the tunnel. 



Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario