Chapter Development Report

Hello Members

The MDRAO Conference this year was a huge success, and I was happy to reconnect and make new connections with many of you during the three days. While attending the conference and speaking to attendees, one thing was evident: Everyone was happy to leave the Zoom meeting and connect in person. This is so true when it comes to growing and offering great value to our members through our chapters. Bringing many of the vendor suppliers together in one area is like having a huge three-day chapter meeting. Offering members to learn and ask important questions of our suppliers is a great opportunity for us to add to our knowledge base as medical device technicians.

Now that we are opening to more in-person gatherings, this will allow us the opportunity to continue to grow and develop our chapters. At the provincial level, we have made available the assets needed to enable our new Chapter Development Directors to travel and assist the chapters in preparation for their chapter meetings and education days, which will be easier to facilitate now that we are open to in-person gatherings.

MDRAO is in great shape with the number of members and associate members in our chapters. Guiding these chapters are the executive teams and the time and effort that they put into bringing value and growth to our members. I would encourage all members to take part in the upcoming chapter meetings and education days in their chapters. Our chapters vary in size and distance that they cover and that can be an obstacle for certain chapters. Our provincial directors will be working hard to develop a plan to assist those in most need. As I have mentioned in my previous messages, empowering our members to become executives in our chapters is very crucial for the continued growth of our association. As an executive, you have the opportunity of making a difference and contributing to your fellow MDR technicians. Believe in yourself and make a difference.

As I end my duties as provincial director of chapter development, I would like to thank the provincial board for all of their support throughout my term. It has been an honour to be part of such a recognized and respected organization. I believe that we have paved the way for a successful transition to the new board, and I ask that our members continue to show them the great support that you have always shown me.

Along with this being the end of my term on the provincial board, I am happy and sad at the same time to announce my retirement from St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. It has been a wonderful 22 years with St. Joseph’s, and like most great things in this world, you get out of it what you put into it. St. Joseph’s has been good to me, and it has been an honour to serve the most vulnerable in our society. I would like to wish everyone success in their careers, and don’t be afraid to try something new and take a chance; you can only get better.

Tony Leite
Provincial Director of Chapter Development

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario