Gamma Chapter Report

By John McHardy

Happy holidays to all from the Gamma Chapter. Please enjoy these holidays to spend time with your loved ones and focus on yourselves not thinking about work.

To our 138 members in Gamma, at the Ottawa Hospital we just completed our review from Accreditation Canada. The accreditor was a retired CEO from northern Ontario. The key words that I wanted to share with all of you was her appreciation for MDRD! She did all her homework, and I could tell that she had spent time in MDRD at her previous hospitals as she recognized all the equipment. The words she shared with the staff that she met was even though all you hear in the media is mentions of nurses and doctors, MDRD plays a huge role in patient safety and outcomes. Hospitals would be lost without us, and we need to be recognized for all the hard work we do in providing clean and safe equipment for surgical procedures.

MDRAO recognizes the workload and stress that occur to help provide support in catching up with the surgical backlog and is committed to help support and provide additional education days should you want them. Please reach out if you think a local education gathering would be beneficial for you all.

Thank you as always for showing up each day understanding what you are doing in supporting safe and effective care to your communities.

Happy holidays,
John McHardy (Gamma Chapter President)

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario