Gamma Chapter Report

Good day everyone!

What a great time at the MDRAO conference in Toronto, September 22nd to 24. It was great to network with so many members old and new. The information, speakers and vendors truly show how important the MDR role is. Vendors were proud to show some innovative products that are being created, thinking of the MDR tech, easier ways of cleaning, proper ergonomics, etc. It is great to see and meet with all the vendors as they want to hear our feedback to improve their products for us.

I hope you all had a great summer, knowing what that means in the MDR world: It is going to get busy! The strongest takeaway I had from the conference was the importance of creating a work-life balance. There will always be work, but we cannot forget about the most important pieces in our lives: “our family” and “ourselves”! I reflected a lot from this speaker, as I realized I do want to put in my 100% every day, but changes need to be made after and before work; starting small can be a key to success.

Take some time in the coming weeks to look outside at the beautiful fall colors.

Thank you,
John McHardy
Gamma President

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario