ETA Chapter Report

Times flies so quickly. 2023 has been a great year, with a successful MDRAO Conference as well as ETA Education days. Membership had risen. RNs and RPNs including staff who work in the dental industry have signed up. Kudos to MDR students who showed their interests to be members. A huge thank you.

2024 is an election year, and my one year as ETA President has been an honor. I’ve grown so much and met new friends. Hopefully with a new team of executives, the chapter will move forward with new activities, learning and social alike. I would like to inspire others to volunteer their time to be part of the chapter executive and be a board member.

Christmas is a time for family, food and fellowship. Wishing you nothing but the best that the season has to offer.

Merry  Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Maria Raj ( ETA President )

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario