Eta Chapter Report


I trust you are well and rejoicing in spirit, soul and body.

Delta Chapter had their successful Education Day. Congratulations to Tamiza and her team.

2024 is election year for both provincial and chapter level. ETA activities has been put on hold until the election is over.

MDRAO is in the works to provide clinical practicum for their students. Once this clinical practicum materializes it will be easier for MDRAO graduate students to get hired.

I want to express my appreciation to all MDR technicians for all the hardwork and dedication you all do. We seldom get appreciated neither recognized, but one thing for certain we’re always blamed for everything and anything. MDRAO is here to support, educate, and inspire. You are never alone!

Thank you for your support!

Maria Raj
President, Eta Chapter

"There is nothing impossible to they who will try."
— Alexander the Great

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario