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President's Report

Dear MDRAO members, 

I hope that you are enjoying the spring so far and that you have big plans for the upcoming summer. You all deserve time to enjoy time off with your family and friends.

I want to start by thanking the members that nominated candidates for the Chapter and Provincial elections. It is important to ensure that we have replacements for the board members who have completed their mandate. As you know, my mandate as your president is finishing on May 31, and Sara Roberts will be moving into the president’s position. My heart is heavy with mixed emotions, the past two years went by so fast! I will miss being your president, but all good things come to an end, and it’s time to let someone else take the lead.

Sigma Chapter held an Education Day on May 4 in Sarnia, and again, it was a great success. Stacey Gielen and her team organized a full day of great speakers. Vendors were present to support us and showcase their products as usual. Many attendees stayed to mingle and enjoy each other’s company after the event.

The Provincial Board members held a meeting on Sunday, May 5 where we discussed things like the textbook update, the practicum project, upcoming education days, MDR week 2024, the 2025 MDRAO Conference, and other MDRAO initiatives.

I am looking forward to continuing another two years on the Provincial Board as your past president. I will do my best to assist Sara in her new role, especially in the first year.

Take care,

MDRAO President

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Chapter Reports

Dear MDRAO Members,

The Delta Chapter board wishes all members a wonderful spring and summer season. Thanks to your unwavering support, both Delta and Sigma Chapters recently held successful Education Days. We extend a special thanks to our vendors for their invaluable contributions and sponsorships.

Our Education Day celebrated your resilience and dedication. As the backbone of our hospitals, your indispensable contributions are deeply appreciated. We hope the event provided great networking opportunities with colleagues from various chapters and hospitals.

To both our longstanding members and newcomers, your support is invaluable. We trust you find your MDRAO membership enriching and rewarding.

Thank you for your dedication and participation.

Warm regards, 
Tamiza Samji President, Delta Chapter

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On May 4, 2024, an education day was organized in Sarnia, Ontario, aimed at providing valuable insights and knowledge to the attendees of MDRAO and those interested in our industry. The event proved to be highly successful, drawing in 70 enthusiastic participants who were treated to presentations by eight exceptional speakers.

The education day encompassed a diverse range of topics, covering areas such as innovative products, sterilization and reprocessing methods, and strategies for medical device reprocessing techniques. Each presenter brought their unique expertise to the table, offering valuable perspectives and practical advice.
Key Highlights:

  1. Diverse Audience Engagement: With 70 attendees, the event attracted students, technicians, educators, administrators, and stakeholders within our MDR community, fostering rich discussions and networking opportunities.
  2. Exceptional Presenters: The success of the education day can be attributed to the caliber of the presenters. Eight experts in their respective fields delivered insightful presentations, sharing their knowledge and experiences with the audience.
  3. Varied Topics: The presentations covered a wide range of topics, catering to the diverse interests and needs of the attendees
  4. Positive Feedback: The education day received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the participants, who praised the quality of the presentations and the organization of the event. Many expressed appreciations for the opportunity to learn from esteemed professionals in the field.

The success of the education day can be attributed to the combined efforts of the organizers, presenters, and attendees. With 70 enthusiastic participants and eight exceptional presenters, the event provided a platform for learning, collaboration, and professional development. Moving forward, it serves as a testament to the importance of continuous education and the value of sharing knowledge within the educational community. The MDRAO board made a motion to provide more days like the one Sigma and Theta held in spring 2024.

It is with excitement and delight that we announce that Sigma will have fresh new faces on their committee board. Of course, with the support of Stacey and Sara behind them, this new board is ready to deliver even more exciting educational opportunities.

Click here to see the Agenda 

Special Events

IPAC Conference
June 9-12, 2024

June MDRAO board meeting
Virtual on-line meeting
Introducing MDRAO Board Members

September MDRAO board meeting
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Lambda Chapter

CAMDR Conference
Oct. 3-6, 2024

MDR Week 2024
Medical Device Reprocessing Week
Oct. 13-19, 2024

November MDRAO board meeting
Toronto, Ontario




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