Archives/Subscribe | | Contact Us December 8, 2015

CLFP Joins Others in Responding to OHEHHA’s Prop 65 Lead Proposals

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CLFP recently joined other interested organizations in responding to proposals issued on Aug. 28 by the Office of Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), in response to a petition by the Center for Environmental Health to remove the safe harbor level for lead. The four pre-regulatory proposals issued for comment and feedback include: (1) significantly lowering the exposure level at which a warning is required for lead, (2) eliminating the ability to average for all reproductive toxicants by requiring single day exposure limits, (3) skewing exposure data by requiring an arithmetic mean for averaging exposure as opposed to a geometric mean, and (4) prohibiting the ability to average over "lots" of food products. OEHHA also issued a proposal to strengthen the naturally occurring defense for lead. CLFP has serious concerns with all of these proposals and joined the California Chamber of Commerce, the California Farm Bureau, the Agricultural Council of California and others in issuing a response.


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