On Sept. 1, 2011 Senate President pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker John A Pérez announced regulatory reform proposals to improve California’s business climate and create jobs. The CLFP has been a long-time advocate for regulatory reform, underscoring the need for economic analyses, transparency, and meaningful stakeholder involvement in the regulatory process. CLFP is a member of ROAR (Regulatory Oversight and Analysis Reform) and is currently reviewing these proposals. While these proposals are not everything we need, and there is much work to be done to keep moving the issues forward, we are encouraged that the majority party is talking about the issue and acknowledging that the regulatory climate is bad and needs to be fixed. They have given us an opening and an opportunity to keep talking about economic impacts for all regulations and use these insights to reflect on current regulations. On the other side of the aisle, the Republicans have voiced their concerns that the proposals do not go far enough and are a "watered down" version of reforms that they have been advocating for years.

The press release from Senator Steinberg and Assemblyman Pérez, a summary of the proposals, as well as a statement from the Assembly Republican Leader Conway can be accessed by clicking here.

Article written by Trudi Hughes, CLFP Government Affairs Director.

California League Of Food Producers