On May 23, the Assembly Subcommittee No. 3 on Resources and Transportation approved Trailer Bill Language dealing with state budget recommendations regarding AB 32 auction funds.
The approved recommendations include:
In addition, the subcommittee approved changes to the code that would allow the Director of Finance to allocate up to $500M derived from allowance sales to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. In addition, this Control Section language specifically states that "no funds shall be used for the purposes of the development of a High-Speed Rail System for two years."
Nearly identical trailer bill language was approved by the Senate Subcommittee No. 2 on Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy and Transportation on the previous day. The only difference is the Senate wants a "climate dividend" rebate paid to utility ratepayers from the sale of the utility allowances whereas the Assembly wants the utility cap-and-trade revenues to go toward clean energy projects.
The approval of these recommendations by both houses’ budget subcommittees sets the stage for the budget discussions on AB 32 funds over the next few weeks.
California League Of Food Producers