Working Together to Protect Our Communities From Wildfires

Nothing is more important to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) than keeping our customers and communities safe. Extreme weather events driven by climate change are causing unprecedented and unanticipated wildfires. We’ve already enhanced our efforts to reduce wildfire risks in response to this changing environment and the 2017 wildfires, and we are partnering now to do even more. Working with customers, community leaders and first responders, PG&E’s Community Wildfire Safety Program includes additional precautionary measures intended to reduce wildfire threats and strengthen our communities for the future.

Turning Off Power for Safety
As part of this wildfire safety program, we are reaching out to our customers who are served by electric lines in extreme fire-threat areas to let them know that, if extreme fire danger conditions occur, it may be necessary for us to temporarily turn off power to their neighborhood or community for safety.

We know how much our customers rely on electric service and would only consider turning off power in the interest of safety, and as a last resort during extreme weather conditions.

What to Expect
In the event we need to turn off power for safety reasons, here is what customers can expect:

 . Early warning notification from PG&E, when and where possible. Update your contact information at or call 1-866-743-6589 for automated calls, texts and emails.

. Additional updates through social media, local news, radio, and the website.

. Coordination with local authorities to provide updated outage information.

Learn More
Visit us at to learn more about PG&E’s Community Wildfire Safety Program. You can also call us 1-866-743-6589 or email us at with any questions about this work.

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