Ag Production Committee Meeting To Be Held November 7 in Santa Nella

CLFP’s Agricultural Production Committee will hold its fall meeting on November 7 at the Hotel Mission De Oro in Santa Nella. The committee meets twice a year in the spring and in the fall and discusses agricultural issues of interest to California's food processing industry, including matters pertaining to agricultural chemicals and agricultural technology. The meeting is open to all CLFP members. Following is a tentative agenda of speakers and topics. For more information, contact Olivia Johnson.

- Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus, Robert Gilbertson, UC Davis
- Field Sanitation Protocols for Fusarium, Cassandra Swett, UC Davis
- Agrian New and Updated Features, Richard Machado, Agrian
- Legislative Updates, Rob Neenan, CLFP
- Ag Personnel Management Association, Julia Belliard
- West Hills Community College Ag Science, Terry Brase

California League Of Food Producers