CLFP Publishes Peach and Tomato Stats

Industry statistics for the state's processed tomato and peach industries are now available on CLFP's website. The statistics are updated regularly throughout the processing season and include current inventories, pre-harvesting estimates and weekly deliveries to processors.

Click here for peach statistics and here for tomato information. Statistics for previous processing seasons are also available on the website.

California processes 100% of the United States’ canned peaches and nearly all of the frozen peaches. Cling peaches for processing are grown on approximately 16,000 acres, primarily in the rich Central Valley of California. Canned peaches and fruit cocktail are produced by four major companies, operating six processing plants in the state. Frozen peach products are produced by three additional companies. A small percentage of the crop is processed out of state.

California dominates the world's production of processed tomato products. With the current industry capacity of over 12 million tons, the state processes 1/3 of the world’s supply of tomato products. Fifteen primary processors operate thirty plants located throughout the central valley of California. Three additional CLFP member firms manufacture sun dried, frozen and dehydrated tomato products. Our member tomato processors include every full-line canner of branded tomato products, every private label manufacturer and every participant in the industrial tomato business, manufacturing paste and bulk diced tomatoes.

For more information contact Jackie Yambor.

California League Of Food Producers