Assembly Ports & Goods Movement Hearing

The Assembly Select Committee on Ports and Goods Movement held an informational hearing on November 2 regarding the importance of ensuring that California has a reliable goods movement network to remain competitive globally while reducing our impact on the environment. The hearing was held in the Ferry Building at the Port of San Francisco.

The committee is chaired by Assemblymember Mike Gipson (D). Other committee members in attendance included: Assemblymember Vince Fong (R), Assemblymember Mia Bonta (D) and Assemblymember Diane Papan (D).

Chair Gipson called the ports an “economic engine” and said the committee is reviewing how to ensure the competitiveness of our ports while the state implements clean energy technologies within the supply chain. 

Testimony from food and agricultural representatives highlighted the need for better planning and coordination at the ports to obstacles faced by exporters. 

It was emphasized that California must commit to developing the most advanced freight network in the world so American exports can grow. This benefits jobs and our California economy. When products do not arrive on time because of delayed loading and shipping, California food producers risks losing customers.

The Port of Oakland Executive Director recommended that California create a statewide freight plan that identifies supply chain challenges and the technologies and investments it is going to take to meet our climate goals while providing reliable goods. A plan will help in developing smart, targeted investments to ensure goods arrive at destinations throughout the world — on-time.

California League Of Food Producers