CLFP Insider
April 7, 2017
CLFP conducted its Third Annual Washington, D.C., Fly-In March 28-30. A delegation of CLFP members representing the Morning Star Packing Company, the Horizon Nut Company, Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients, Sensient Natural Ingredients, the Wilbur Packing Company and the Campbell Soup Supply Company met with the California Central Valley congressional delegation, as well as with Senator Diane Feinstein and Senator Kamala Harris on issues relating to water, trade, labor and immigration.
CLFP's Food Safety, Nutrition & Labeling and Water Resources committees will meet in May.
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Capitol News
On April 4, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted several revisions to its Enforcement Policy regarding financial penalties for violations of the State Water Code or Federal Clean Water Act. The Board has been expanding its enforcement staff and their activities, and the change in policy is designed to increase penalties for violations.
Featured Article
The California Legislature is in the process of hearing bills in policy committees. The May 26th deadline to report bills to the floors of each house is fast approaching. CLFP is working on several key measures that would have direct impact on the food processing industry.
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The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District will hold a two-day training course June 28-29 in Fresno for new Certification of Air Permitting Professional (CAPP) candidates.
The Safe Food Alliance will hold a two and a half-day course May 3-5 in Anaheim. The course was designed by the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) as described by the FDA. The course is intended to help food processors meet the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requirement of having "preventive controls qualified individuals" on staff.
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