CLFP Insider
April 3, 2019
CLFP will hold its 2019 Annual Board of Directors Meeting April 18-19 at the Quail Lodge in Carmel Valley. The meeting is open to all CLFP board of director members and premier supplier host council affiliate members.This will be the final meeting as chair for Nick Kastle, J.G. Boswell Tomato Co., LLC. Ross Siragussa, The Kraft Heinz Company, will be installed as the 2019-20 chair. 
Food Processing Expo 2020 will be held at the Santa Clara Convention Center February 12-13. The deadline to receive Early Bird registration rates is Tuesday, April 30. CLFP is offering a creative new Expo floor plan, as well as new activities on the trade show floor for both attendees and exhibitors to enjoy.
CLFP encourages all its members to keep their membership current by meeting their dues payment deadlines to ensure inclusion in publications and marketing materials and to ensure discounted member rates on various products and services.
CLFP recently formed two new committees, including a Membership Committee and a Transportation & Logistics Committee. The Membership Committee will hold its first meeting on April 11.
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Capitol News
The latest manual snow survey for the current water year revealed that California’s snowpack tripled from what the state experienced last year. The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) conducted its monthly snow survey on April 2 in the Sierra Nevada mountains at Phillips Station, approximately 90 miles east of Sacramento.
The Food and Drug Administration will have its first public hearing on cannabis and cannabis-derived products on May 31 to get feedback on regulation, manufacturing and marketing.
The Food and Drug Administration shed light on the agency’s priorities for federal food safety activities and programs. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., and Frank Yiannis, deputy commissioner, said in a joint statement that the request for more funding in the fiscal 2020 budget, “…will allow the agency to add new staff and resources to enhance signal detection, response to outbreaks and post-response evaluations."
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Featured Article
CLFP conducted its Fifth Annual Washington, D.C., Fly-In on March 11-13. A delegation of CLFP members representing Morning Star Packing Company, Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients, Campbell Soup Company, Del Mar Foods and ConAgra met with the California Central Valley Congressional delegation on issues relating to water, trade, immigration and the Farm Bill.
Policy committee hearings for proposed bills in the California legislature began in mid-March and will continue through May. The deadline for fiscal bills is the end of April and for non-fiscal bills May 3. Thousands of bills need to go through this process.

Pictured here is CLFP Government Affairs Director Trudi Hughes, who recently discussed important issues related to food processing with California Governor Gavin Newsom.
CLFP will partner with the California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) for a Capitol Day on June 4 in Sacramento. This will be an excellent opportunity for our organizations to come together and meet with legislators, legislative policy staff and the Administration to discuss key issues impacting manufacturers in California. A formal invitation and registration materials will be sent in the near future to the CLFP Board of Directors and Legislative Affairs Committee. For more information, contact Trudi Hughes.
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