The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued its final guidance on labeling for the term evaporated cane juice, stating its view is that sweeteners derived from sugar cane should not be declared on food labels as such.
The California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) and the Forager Project will hold a workshop on June 22 in Sonoma, CA, about organic certification for food processors and handlers.
CLFP, along with strong opposition from the business community, has been instrumental in successfully stopping a number of bills in the first house of the California Legislature that would have had a negative impact on the food processing industry and the business climate in California.
CLFP will hold its eight annual Capitol Day in Sacramento on June 21. The event provides an excellent forum for CLFP member company representatives to meet with legislators, regulators and representatives of Governor Jerry Brown's office to discuss issues affecting the food processing industry.